At the end, it will be worth all the tears

After having several panic attacks in a row and severe depression, I was hospitalized for two weeks. I spent so much time in therapy, so much I can share. Today, however, I will tell you of one good thing I’ve learned from my sessions in the chair. I was telling my psychologist about how I’m going … Continue reading At the end, it will be worth all the tears

Moving to Cape Town: Am I coping?

A post I wrote on OLE about our move down to Cape Town

Our Lived Experience

This is my first post on OLE where I talk about a personal experience concerning my walk with bipolar (I’m usually the academic boring you to death :)). So I want to tell you about my experience these past three months. I have gone, and is still busy going through a big change: my husband and I have moved down to Cape Town from Pretoria and I have started my PhD in chemical engineering at UCT (kinda like starting a new job for me).


When we finally made the decision to move to Cape Town so that I can start my PhD, I worked out a plan of how I would avoid triggering an episode, afterall, I will be leaving my amazing psychologist and awesome psychiatrist behind as well as long time friends and family. Then there is also the change of scenery, going from a familiar city and campus…

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